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TESOL Certification Courses

The demand for the ability to use the English language in many forms of communications continues to increase throughout the world. As a result the need for English teachers continues to grow. Many believe that this demand is growing day by day because of the fact that there is an ever increasing worldwide desire to communicate in English. Therefore, for those that want to teach English abroad a TESOL certification course can provide you with all the necessary skills, techniques, and knowledge that will enable them to be a great ESL teacher.
Getting your TESOL certification use to require a lot time and money. However with the availability of online TESOL certification courses ESL teachers and prospective ESL teacher are now able to become certified to teach English abroad in a matter of weeks thus creating a pool of qualified ESL teachers in an ever-increasing ESL job market. In addition, to saving time online TESOL certification courses can save you a lot of money. Many in class TESOL certification courses range in the thousands an online TESOL certification courses can starts in the low hundreds thus providing you saving without the decrease in quality.
However with some many names for these ESL certification courses like a TESOL certification course how can you know which course to take? We can define teaching English to non-native speakers in four subcategories: TESOL, TEFL, TESL, and ELT
TESOL -Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages.
TEFL - Teaching English as a Foreign Language.
TESL - Teaching English as a Second Language.
ELT - This stands for English Language Teaching and is mostly used by bodies in the UK.
While there are some minor differences in theory, these acronyms are used interchangeably.  In addition, employers will generally accept TESOL, TEFL, and TESL certificates equally as ESL teaching credentials.

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